For at least 35 years, Academic Advising has offered this exceptional program of students helping students succeed at college.

Under the direction of the Office of Academic Advising, peer advisors work in tandem with faculty advisors to offer our incoming Loggers (first-year and transfer students) the support and guidance needed to be successful at Puget Sound.  We are proud of the documented success of our program but mostly we are so very proud of our dedicated, caring, and effective student advisors and the work they do to help their fellow Loggers thrive! We are excited to welcome our newest Loggers and introduce you to the your new "best asset at Puget Sound,"...YOUR PEER ADVISOR.

PA team photo-23-24
Our 23-24 Academic Peer Advisors are excited to meet you all and support you on your journey to success at the Sound!

What is an Academic Peer Advisor?

An academic peer advisor (PA) is usually a current junior or senior PS student, employed by the Office of Academic Advising. They undergo rigorous training before the academic year begins and attend additional educational sessions weekly over the course of the year.

They are highly knowledgeable peers, who help you interpret university policies and procedures, offer tips when exploring possible majors/minors, and are invaluable when it comes to selecting courses during registration.

They offer academic guidance and keep you informed about important campus deadlines and events. Overall, your peer advisor is your student success coach ready to help you work smarter, mot harder. You can also count on your PA to be caring and friendly face on campus!

READ our 23-24 PA Performance Report summarizing the deep and positive impact our current PA team has had on this year's class of Loggers! The data speaks for do the selection of quotes from these first-year students. Peer advisors make a difference!  

Meet the 2023-24 PAs
How can my PA Help?
Registration Help from my PA
Apply to be a PA
Videos to Support Registration
Below are a few of main videos created to help you get registered, run/interpret your advising report, and how to use a what-if scenario to plan out possible majors.

These and a number of other important videos are also available to help you get Registration Ready!

Visit Videos to Support Registration to watch additional videos about how to search for classes, how to enroll from your shopping cart, how to find your registration time, how to swap/delete, waitlist courses, and MORE!

How To Register for Classes
Watch a short video on how to register for classes
How To Run a 'What If Report'
Watch a video that walks you through the steps required to run a 'What If Report.' This tool is a great way to see how the classes you have already completed fit into the requirements for any major at Puget Sound.
How To Run Your Academic Requirements Report
Watch a five-minute video on how to run an Academic Requirements report
Peer Advisor Application- Available in Jan. '24
Apply to be a 2024-25 Peer Advisor