The Campus Lending Library loans course materials to all UPS students, free of charge!
Are you interested in donating to the Lending Library? Please email so we can confirm the materials are needed.
Here is the process for borrowing books for the Spring 2024 semester:
Browse the catalog of available books here. Note that the catalog has separate tabs for Humanities, STEM, Social Science, Languages, and Novels. Use Control-F (PC) or Command-F (Mac) to search for specific titles or authors within each tab. This list is updated as checkout requests are fulfilled. Due to the number of requests we receive and unlogged checkouts, availability is subject to change.
If the book you need appears to be available, please fill out this Google Form. Someone from the Center for Student Support will reach out in 1-2 days to confirm the availability of your request and provide pickup instructions.
Hours for the Lending Library are as follows:
Every day, 8AM-10PM (accessible via LoggerCard swipe)
Please return all borrowed materials to the red donation bin on the front porch of the CSS house (3219 N 13th St). We ask that items are returned by the end of the semester or the last term the course materials are needed.
If you have questions or need assistance, email
And don't forget to connect with the Collins Library staff. Librarians can direct you to additional sources of support and help you find the materials you need for your study and research. Click on this link to connect with a Collins Librarian who can assist you!