Amy Kashiwa

Clinical Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy


Prof. Amy Kashiwa joined the University of Puget Sound in 2020 as a full-time Clinical Professor and the adult onsite teaching Clinic Coordinator. Prof. Kashiwa has instructional experience from OTA to post-professional OTD programs. She has clinical practice experience in adult rehabilitation, skilled nursing, acute inpatient psychiatry, and primary schools. Additionally, she has volunteer experience developing and facilitating grief support groups for young adults. Prof. Kashiwa particularly loves practicing in adult mental health settings, and is an active member of the Washington Occupational Therapy Association’s Mental Health Community of Practice. Scholarly projects include advocating for occupational therapy’s role in suicide prevention and grief sensitivity, while Kashiwa’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning research focuses on community-based learning outcomes. Prof. Kashiwa serves on the Faculty Development Center Advisory board, Suicide Prevention Taskforce, and facilitates graduate student grief support groups for the Puget Sound campus.


Scholarly Interests

Exploring the theoretical intersection of suicide theory and the occupational therapy scope of practice; how engagement in occupations may impact modifiable risk factors among vulnerable populations at increased risk of suicide; state and national suicide prevention policy initiatives related to suicide prevention

Efficacy of medication management group activity-based intervention for psychiatric medication compliance, and increasing occupational engagement outcomes; qualitative methods for examining therapeutic use of self and stigma reduction in mental health

Studying outcomes related to supporting graduate student transition to hybrid teaching methodology; the effects of small group mindfulness on stress and anxiety in the School of Occupational Therapy


Leisure Occupation Interests

When not engaged in teaching or scholarship, Dr. Kashiwa enjoys walking meditation, swimming, playing ukulele, and writing haiku poetry. Prof. Kashiwa publishes poetry on a 1928 Smith & Corona typewriter.

BSOT Colorado State University
OTD Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions
Psychosocial OT OT 644-A Spring 2025
Adult & Pediatric Clinics OT 661-S Spring 2025
Adult & Pediatric Clinics OT 761-S Spring 2025

Contact Information

Weyerhaeuser 210