Heidi Morton

Associate Professor, School of Education

(On Leave Spring 2025)

A twice-over Puget Sound graduate, I am proud to be supporting the university that has been so instrumental in my own personal and professional lives. After close to two decades as a school counselor, the transition to higher education faculty allows me to contribute to the profession and to mental health and wellness in a different way. Favorite personal pastimes include cycling, camping, music (violin and guitar), birding, and anything on or in the water.


Puyallup School District, WA
School Counselor (2000-2019)
District Counselor Trainer

Waller Road Elementary School (2016 – 2019)

Mountain View Elementary School (2017 – 2018)

Edgerton Elementary School (2014-2016)

Emerald Ridge High School (2000-2014)
Scholarship Coordinator
Department Head (2010-2014)

Concrete School District, WA
Concrete Elementary School Counselor (1997 – 2000)


University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA
Assistant Professor 2018 - present
Practicum and Internship Placement Coordinator 2018-Present
Adjunct Professor 2016- 2018

Prescott College, Prescott, AZ
Adjunct Professor 2017 - 2018

Oregon State University, Corvallis and Bend, OR
Teaching Assistant 2016-2017

Seattle University
Intern, Counselor Education 2017


Heidi’s research interests include math anxiety, stereotype threat, evidence-based school counseling, college and career readiness, resiliency, student academic re-engagement, LGBT student support and advocacy, and professional development for school counselors.

BA University of Puget Sound 1993
M.ED University of Puget Sound 1997
PhD Oregon State University 2018

Contact Information

Howarth 329