Dear Members of the Campus Community,

In my opening message at the beginning of the semester I introduced Puget Sound’s new sexual misconduct policy and discrimination and harassment policy, with a note that updated procedures related to the management of sexual misconduct complaints would be added following an ASUPS Senate open forum. Those procedures are now available online.

We must continue to be vigilant in the prevention, reporting, and investigation of reports of sexual misconduct. I urge all members of our community to familiarize themselves with these important policies and procedures that are designed to protect everyone who lives, works, and learns on our campus.

As you may be aware, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced earlier this month an intention to issue new federal regulations regarding how colleges respond to campus sexual assault. While further information is not available at this time, the university will keep the campus apprised regarding any changes in federal policy that affect Puget Sound. Meanwhile, we continue to offer resources for information, training, advocacy, and support to all members of our community.

Sexual Misconduct Resource Center. This website provides important information about sexual misconduct prevention and response, including what to do if you’ve been assaulted, and how to seek and provide support to others. Note that sexual misconduct can be reported online at

Sexual Violence Prevention Tutorial.
In addition to the sexual violence prevention tutorial that all faculty and staff members are required to take every two years, all students, faculty, and staff members are encouraged to take an online assessment to further educate yourselves about ways to identify, prevent, and interrupt sexual violence.

Bystander Workshops. Sign up for a Green Dot Bystander intervention workshop for yourself or your club, group, department, team, or others at The first training of this academic year is Sunday, September 24, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., Thompson Hall 310.

Campus Resources.
We are pleased to welcome to campus Tiffany Davis, associate director of Diversity and Inclusion and Deputy Title IX coordinator. Tiffany is a civil rights attorney, and will be supporting our efforts led by Chief Diversity Officer and Dean of Diversity and Inclusion Michael Benitez in his role as Title IX coordinator. Associate Dean of Students Marta Cady will continue to serve as a confidential sexual assault advocate for the campus and can be reached at Professor Grace Kirchner will continue to serve as a faculty ombudsperson to address faculty questions that may arise about reporting; she can be reached at

Student Support Organizations. Consider joining the work being done by Peer Allies, Sound Advocates, and a new student club, Students Against Sexual Assault, that was formed last year as part of University of Puget Sound’s partnership with It’s On Us. More information about these organizations and other forms of support are available from Marta Cady,

Take Back the Night. This year’s event is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 8, 8:30 p.m. in Wyatt Hall.

Additional information and resources will be provided throughout the year. Thank you for everything that you do to help make University of Puget Sound a place where every member of our community is valued and treated with respect.


Isiaah Crawford, Ph.D. | President