Dear Members of the Campus Community,

Thank you again to all who attended open forums about the provost search process last month. I am pleased to share that the advisory search committee is hard at work and making good progress.

The first order of business was creating a position profile identifying a key set of challenges and opportunities that our new provost will be called to address and clarify the qualifications and characteristics we seek. Recruitment efforts are underway, and the committee will reconvene next month to continue its work to identify and vet candidates who may be a good fit for Puget Sound.

In other news, I have appointed Alan Krause to the advisory search committee, filling a position recently vacated by Jeff Matthews, to ensure that we continue to have a strong and balanced cohort of faculty serving on the committee.

I look forward to continuing to update the campus community on the search process next semester.


Isiaah Crawford, Ph.D. | President