Our internship training program is designed to prepare interns for skilled and competent entry into the field of health service psychology. Interns are provided with a broad range of supervised experiences and didactic training to achieve professional wide and CHWS specific competencies.



Experiences assessed/evaluated

Interns present a formal case presentation in which they incorporate literature about the diagnosis and/or treatment modalities.

Interns present two seminars (one in the spring semester and one in summer), and they incorporate research literature into the presentations.

Interns participate in individual supervision, group supervision (ex: sup of sup, diversity dialogues, challenging case), and multidisciplinary consultation meetings in which there will be a discussion of literature.

Interns will discuss theoretical orientation and interventions within supervision relating to their clinical work.

Interns will co-present and/or independently present workshops and/or other educational programming—a minimum of two programs during the year, with encouragement to provide two or more each semester. Supervisors, organizing staff, and participants may provide feedback.


Ethical and legal standards

Experiences assessed/evaluated

Demonstration of ethical understanding and practice will be assessed within individual and group supervision, during consultation meetings, and intern seminars.

Interns will present a formal case presentation, and ethical concerns are expected to be addressed within the case conceptualization.

Interns’ documentation will be reviewed and co-signed by supervisors.

Interns will be observed concerning their interactions with staff members in both public and confidential settings.

Interns will be observed engaging in discussions during staff meetings and consultations.


Individual and cultural diversity

Experiences assessed/evaluated

Demonstration of a commitment to diversity and inclusion will be assessed during individual supervision and Diversity Dialogues group supervision.

Self-awareness of diversity factors and how one’s self may impact the therapeutic relationship will be assessed within clinical work via observation, dialogue with the supervisor, and review of documentation.

Discussion within supervision, case consultations with a multidisciplinary team, and during seminars.

Discussions within diversity seminars, diversity dialogues supervision, and related training.

Interns’ case presentations will be evaluated related to multicultural awareness and related clinical considerations.


Professional values, attitudes, and behaviors

Experiences assessed/evaluated

Interns’ professionalism is observed and assessed during interactions with interns, staff meetings, and supervision.

Interns' self-assessment and self-reflection are assessed during individual and group format supervision.

Medical providers and our front reception staff consult with the psychology training committee regarding intern professionalism.

Supervisors review clinical documentation, and this includes secure messages to our multidisciplinary treatment team.

Supervisors assess interns’ ability to manage their schedules, and supervisors assess the clinical caseload related to the ability to engage in self-care.


Communications and interpersonal skills

Experiences assessed/evaluated

Training staff observe intern interactions with others and receive feedback from other staff related to professional interactions.

Training staff observes interns communication and consultation with CHWS staff, and interns also discuss communications with the training staff during individual and group supervision.

Interns engage in dialogue about the telephone or in-person consultations with third parties (ex: parents, professors) with supervisors, and the supervisor reviews the documentation of such consultations.

Supervisors review and co-sign clinical documentation, including consultation notes with CHWS staff, documentation of a phone consultation, etc.

Psychology training staff observe presentation skills when co-leading an outreach or consultation.

Psychology training staff observe presentation skills and communication when interns engage in formal case presentations and present an intern seminar.

Supervisors and training staff provide interns with feedback on their interpersonal skills when managing challenging communications based on direct observation, intern self-report, and/or feedback from other staff. Assessment

Interns sign a statement that they have reviewed and understand the Due Process and Grievance Procedures. When this is reviewed with them, the Training Director engages in dialogue with the interns to assess their understanding at that time.



Experiences assessed/evaluated

Interns’ intake and screening assessment skills may be observed directly via the mock intake recordings intern create during orientation and/or by co-facilitating intake or screening sessions early in the fall with client permission.

Supervisors assess the integration of objective screening tools during case consultation in supervision and reviewing clinical documentation for screening, intake, and follow up therapy appointments.

Interns are assessed in their use of the CAMS during individual supervision and during group supervision and consultation meetings in which high-risk clients are discussed.

Interns are assessed in their crisis management skills (business hours and after-hours crisis response) during crisis consultations and debriefings via direct observation of recordings and/or clinical documentation review.

The Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator supervises the Substance Abuse Prevention rotation and thus provides the interns with feedback on their knowledge of the assessment tools and, when applicable on their skills to utilize and integrate the assessments clinically.



Experiences assessed/evaluated

Interns participate in individual supervision, focusing on clinical skills, including assessment, treatment planning, and interventions. The licensed psychologist reviews intern competency by direct observation (review of recordings), by direct observation (co-therapy when this is possible such as during group or co-facilitating an intake assessment during orientation month), by reviewing notes, and case discussion by the intern.

Interns participate in group consultation/supervision meetings with multidisciplinary staff in which training staff observes the interns’ description of therapy, case formulation, and multidisciplinary referrals.

Interns co-facilitate a group with a supervisor; thus supervisor can directly observe skills.

Interns present a formal case conference each semester; thus, supervisors and training staff evaluate the interns’ discussion of the case and their treatment modality.



Experiences assessed/evaluated

Interns’ knowledge and understanding of the developmental model of supervision are assessed throughout the semester in which they are supervising. During the training on the developmental model, this assessment occurs during co-supervision direct observation of intern skills and discussions within Supervision meetings.

The Supervisor of Supervision co-facilitates the review of the Practicum Training Manuel with the interns and thus has the opportunity to engage in direct observation of the interns’ understanding of the training manual and how they relay/teach the information.

The intern's video records their mock therapy sessions with practicum counselors. The Supervisor of Supervision is present during co-supervision to observe and assist the intern in providing the practicum counselor with feedback on their skills.

The Supervisor of supervision has opportunities for direct observation of interns’ supervision skills during co-supervision.

The Supervisor of supervision reviews the practicum counselor’s draft notes after the intern have reviewed and helped the practicum counselor edit the notes. The Supervisor then co-signs the practicum counselor’s notes when approved for signature.

Within Supervision of Supervision, the supervisor assesses and provides feedback on clinical recommendations, multicultural awareness, and ethical concerns.

Within Supervision of Supervision, the supervisor reviews the interns’ drafts of practicum evaluations and provides feedback to interns on their skills when delivering the evaluations to the practicum counselor.


Consultation and interprofessional/interdisciplinary skills

Experiences assessed/evaluated

Psychology training staff observe interns' interactions and consultations with our multidisciplinary staff during meetings.

Primary supervisors review and co-sign notes, thus observe EHR communications with our multidisciplinary staff.

Interns consult with a licensed psychology staff member if they are called after hours, thus providing an opportunity to evaluate their critical thinking before and after the consultation with other university personnel.

Psychology staff and medical staff provide written feedback regarding formal case presentations.

The psychology staff provides written feedback regarding seminar presentations.

Psychology staff may directly observe outreach activities when co-lead with the intern.

Psychology staff debrief outreach activities with the intern and reviews any feedback from the organizing department/agency or written evaluations.


Prevention/Outreach intervention & education

Experiences assessed/evaluated

Interns will engage in outreach presentations focused on psychoeducation around a variety of mental health and wellness topics.

Interns will understand harm reduction, motivational enhancement, social norms and public health approaches to prevention education.

Interns will engage in outreach programming both in actively engaging with the student body, and also creating infographics for the CHWS Instagram.

Interns will be able to integrate objective screening measures (ex: AUDIT, CUDIT-R) as part of clinical assessments with clients.

Interns will coordinate with other campus departments to engage in prevention work around topics determined by student need.

Interns will develop outreach strategies to engage students who may not present to the counseling center, providing them with psychoeducation and information about mental health resources on and off  campus.

Interns will be able to evaluate educational programs.

Interns will attend substance use webinars throughout the academic year.

Interns will attend other webinars focused on prevention related topics.