Prospective Student Advisors

2024-25 Academic Year

NOTE: Advisors have limited time on campus between semesters (mid-May until late-August; mid-December until mid-January). Please confirm their availability before planning a visit during those times. Please contact a prospective student advisor at:

For students with last names starting with A-J
Liz Corwin

For students with last names starting with K-R
Robert Boyles

For students with last names starting with S-Z
Jennifer Hastings

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Due to academic challenges associated with the COVID-19 crisis, prerequisite courses receiving CREDIT during the Spring 2020 through Summer 2022 will be accepted. A letter grade is not required for pre-requisites taken during this period.

Physical therapists act as autonomous practitioners within a health care team in a wide variety of settings to preserve, develop, and restore not only optimum physical function, but also optimal wellness, fitness, and quality of life as it relates to movement and health. The physical therapist works to optimize function by alleviating pain, preventing injury, and restoring function after injury. Physical therapy interventions are designed to improve strength, coordination, range of motion, cardiovascular fitness, and other dimensions of physical movement. When normal motor behavior has been permanently damaged, the physical therapist helps the individual learn to adapt personal motor performance within the limitations of a permanent loss. Physical therapists evaluate individuals and groups, define relationships between pathologies, impairments, functional limitations and disability, and design interventions to maximize function and minimize disability. They also provide leadership in the health care system and education to the community.

Physical therapists function in a health care environment that is dynamic and changing. Indeed, the knowledge base underlying the practice of physical therapy is constantly evolving and growing. The physical therapy student must be grounded in the fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for the practice of physical therapy. The physical therapy student must also develop a strong foundation for understanding and using methods of discovering knowledge, evaluating new knowledge, and translating it into useful technology and practice. The therapist must understand the behavior of human beings in light of historical, social, and cultural studies. Professionals in any field should have the ability to think logically and analytically, communicate clearly and effectively, and be intellectually autonomous.

The university’s Physical Therapy Program embraces the value of written and oral articulation as a means of learning. Writing and oral communication are the foundations of communication in health care and education of the community.

Through written articulation and oral presentation of concepts the student clarifies understanding and learns means of expression that benefit not only the individual but the profession.

Physical therapists must learn to collaborate with other health care professionals to optimize both patient care and critical inquiry. Physical therapy and occupational therapy are closely allied disciplines. The university’s two programs, located in the same facility, strive to provide educational experiences so that students in each field will understand and respect the goals and skills of the other, and be prepared to function as independent practitioners collaborating within the health care environment.

To be eligible to obtain a university degree from the School of Physical Therapy, a student will be required to meet the minimum technical standards and competencies outlined in the program Essential Technical Standards document. It is the student’s responsibility to read, understand and ensure that he/she has these capacities.

Program Outcomes

Profile of 2023 Admitted Class
  • Average overall GPA: 3.53
  • Average Prerequisite GPA: 3.71
  • Average score on Verbal GRE: 58th percentile
  • Average score on Quantitative GRE: 48th percentile
  • Average score on Written GRE: 61st percentile
Recent University of Puget Sound Graduates' Performance on National Physical Therapy licensing exam

Graduation Year University of Puget Sound Pass Rate

  • 2024: 1st Attempt: 75.7%, Ultimate: 94.6%
  • 2023: 1st Attempt: 96.7%, Ultimate: 100%
  • 2022: 1st Attempt: 85.3%, Ultimate: 100%
  • 2021: 1st Attempt: 84.2%, Ultimate: 100%
  • 2020: 1st Attempt: 88.9%, Ultimate: 100%
  • 2019: 1st Attempt: 97.2%, Ultimate: 100%
  • 2018: 1st Attempt: 100%

Graduation Year All U.S. Schools Pass Rate

  • 2024: 1st Attempt: 86.8%, Ultimate: 93.4%
  • 2023: 1st Attempt: 84.9%, Ultimate: 98%
  • 2022: 1st Attempt: 84.8%, Ultimate: 98.8%
  • 2021: 1st Attempt: 87.9%, Ultimate: 98.9%
  • 2020: 1st Attempt: 91.2%, Ultimate: 99%
  • 2019: 1st Attempt: 90.7%, Ultimate: 98%
  • 2018: 1st Attempt: 90.5%, Ultimate: 99.5%

University of Puget Sound 2-year Pass Rate

  • 2022-2023: 1st attempt: 90.6%, Ultimate: 100%
Graduation Rates for Recent Classes

Year Graduation Rate

  • 2024: 100%
  • 2023: 100%
  • 2022: 100%
  • 2-year graduation rate (2022-2023): 100%
Employment Rates for Recently Graduated Classes

Year Employment Rate*

  • 2024: 100%
  • 2023: 100%
  • 2022: 100%
  • 2-year employment rate (2023-2024): 100%

* for those who sought employment as a physical therapist following graduation