Betsy Cambell Stone - Service to Puget Sound

Betsy Campbell Stone ’79, P’14

Betsy Campbell Stone ’79, P’14, the recipient of this year’s Service to Puget Sound Award, calls volunteering at Puget Sound “an absolute happiness generator.”

Stone works as a writer and as an independent marketing and strategy consultant for nonprofit organizations. Not long after her son, Thom ’14, began attending Puget Sound, Stone and husband Todd became involved in the Parents & Families Council, chairing the group for two years. Stone also joined the Alumni Council Executive Committee, serving as chair of the Career and Employment Services committee, and served on the steering committee for a comprehensive review of all university programs. Those who have worked alongside her note her brilliance, warmth, and team building as galvanizing forces.

In 2018, Betsy and her husband, Todd, established the Betsy and Thom Stone Scholarship, a four-year scholarship that provided financial aid for a student in need in good academic standing. More recently, she funded a pilot program that offers financial support for students with demonstrated need as they pursue unpaid internships. Betsy hopes to increase accessibility with her financial gifts and holds a steadfast belief in the potential of Puget Sound students to change the world.

“My Puget Sound student experience gifted me with friends, fun, and new knowledge,” she says, “but honestly, it was only later that I understood the full benefits—ways of thinking, of being in the world, that helped me to be a better leader, partner, friend, and mom. And I’m still benefiting.”

Service to Puget Sound

Take a look through Puget Sound's Service to Puget Sound Award past recipients. 

Name, Award Year

  • Dr. Eldon G. Chuinard*
  • Mr. Norton Clapp*
  • Francis J. Galbrith*
  • Ms. Helen S. Murtland*
  • Mr. Paul C. Perdue*
  • Ms. Josie E. Robbins*
  • Ms. Marcia W. Shannon*
  • Mr. Richard Dale Smith*
  • Mrs. Elsie E. Strobel *
  • Dr. Charles B. Arnold, 1968 
  • Dr. Howard S. Irwin, 1968
  • Dr. R. Ronald Rau, 1968
  • Mr. J. Donald Shotwell, 1971
  • Dr. Frank Brouillet, 1974
  • Dr. Calvin M. Frazier, 1974
  • Ms. Patsy J. Brittain, 1975
  • Dr. Delwen B. Jones 1975
  • Mr. Charles B. Zittel, 1975
  • Mrs. Gretchen Fraser, 1977 
  • Mrs. J. Ellena P. Goulder, 1977
  • Mrs. Frances G. Swayze, 1977
  • Ms. Elizabeth Shackleford, 1980
  • Mr. Wilfred Woods, 1980
  • Dr. Frederick C. Hansen, 1982
  • Dr. Leroy Ostransky, 1982
  • Mr. Leonard F. Raver, 1982
  • Ms. Ruth T. Rockwood, 1993
  • Mr. Allan D. Sapp, 1996
  • Mr. Rick M. Brooks, 1997
  • Mr. J. Truman S. Wilcox, 1997
  • Mrs. Mildred Milcox, 1997
  • Mrs. Mary K. Long, 1998
  • Mrs. Helen S. Perdue, 1999
  • Mrs. Helen I. Strong, 2000
  • The Rev. Dr. Troy M. Strong, 2000
  • Mrs. Marian S. Carlson, 2001
  • Dr. Lon Ahlers Hoover, 2002
  • Mrs. Mitzi W. Carletti, 2003
  • Mrs. Gerry L. Martindale, 2004
  • Mr. Dick C. Brown, 2005
  • Ms. Murden Woods, 2006
  • Ms. Ann T. Stevens, 2007
  • Ms. Holly L. Dillon, 2008
  • Mr. Arthur D. Campbell, 2010
  • Dr. Lowell G. Daun, 2011
  • Mr. Robert A. Trimble, 2012
  • Mr. Dominick Federico, 2013
  • Ms. Linda Pearn, 2013
  • Mr. John A. Whalley, 2014
  • Mr. John C. Pierce, 2015
  • Mr. Thomas E. Leavitt, 2016
  • Mrs. Lynn E. Johnson Raisl, 2017
  • Mr. Ken McGill, 2019
  • Ms. Shannon Hughes, 2022
  • Mrs. Betsy Campbell Stone, 2023