Doug Palmer - Young Logger Award

Doug Palmer ’18

Doug Palmer ’18, the recipient of this year’s Young Logger Service Award, has consistently used his talents in service of a greater purpose.

At Puget Sound, Palmer earned a Matelich Scholarship, which honors outstanding students who strive to make a difference while achieving their personal goals. After graduating with a degree in business leadership, Palmer was selected for a fellowship in which he spent two years as a program associate with El Pomar Foundation, a Colorado Springs-based nonprofit. He went on to be hired as El Pomar’s deputy director of regional partnerships, managing the foundation’s statewide network of community leaders and conducting research to advise the foundation on affordable housing, rural broadband, mental health services, homelessness, and other issues.

Today, Palmer is social impact officer at The Beacon Fund, an organization focused on positive social change; his role involves supporting a range of philanthropic projects. He serves on the board of directors for The Place, a Colorado-based provider of services for runaway and homeless youth, and is active in the Puget Sound Fund Committee, the Denver regional alumni club, and the Matelich Scholars alumni group. He lives in Denver with his fiancée, Kyla Dierking ’17.

Young Logger Service Awardees

Take a look through Puget Sound's Young Logger Service Award past recipients. 

Name, Award Year

  • Ms. Marcella G. Synder*
  • Ms. Melody D. Stanley*
  • Mr. Matthew K. Odman, 1997
  • Ms. Susannah E. Hochstein, 1998
  • Ms. Molly M. (Grooms) Kelley, 1999
  • Ms. Jennifer C. Shaeffer, 2000
  • Ms. Katharine E. Bailey, 2001
  • Ms. Molly K. Tuttle, 2002
  • Mr. Darrel L. Frost, 2003
  • Ms. Karly K. (Therriault) Leyde, 2004
  • Ms. Maile J. Ching, 2005
  • Mr. Alexander D. Israel, 2006
  • Mr. Ryan E. McAninch, 2006
  • Mr. Andrew K. Miller, 2007
  • Mr. Michael S. LeFevre, 2008
  • Mr. Doug Palmer, 2023
  • Ms. Jenny Lai, 2010
  • Mr. Ted R. Meriam, 2011
  • Ms. Andrea M. Tull, 2012
  • Mr. Benjamin W. Shelton, 2013
  • Mr. Gabe Davis, 2014
  • Ms. Isabelle J. Dupont, 2015
  • Senator T'wina Nobles, 2016
  • Ms. Laura A. Coe, 2017
  • Mr. Rob Wellington, 2019
  • Ms. Renée Meschi, 2022