Dear fellow alumni,
The support and pride you continue to show for Puget Sound through your investment in the Alumni Fund is truly impressive. Together, our gifts for the 2016-17 Alumni Fund totaled more than 1.567 million. These gifts include more than $350,000 to the Alumni Fund Scholarship, which helped 29 students with significant scholarship awards in the current year. Our gifts help sustain the legacy that is Puget Sound – a legacy and mission that seek to “liberate each person’s fullest intellectual and human potential to assist in the unfolding of creative and useful lives.”
Throughout this site and the printed President’s Annual Report, you’ll find stories of students and faculty – and their unique relationships – that have benefitted from your generosity. Knowing the value of your gift is important and I encourage you to visit the website throughout this year for updated examples of your impact.
Thank you for giving meaning to the phrase, “Once a Logger, Always a Logger.” For indeed, each of us helps ensure the Logger legacy continues.
With sincere gratitude,
Heidi (Winkenwerder) Schooley ’97
Chair, Puget Sound Alumni Fund
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