The Green Fund was established in 2013 as a way to support students seeking to implement projects improving campus sustainability. ASUPS recognizes the urgency of climate change, and the necessity to work towards improving sustainability. As such, this is a means by which ASUPS can directly support and encourage involvement with sustainability and environmental justice. The money comes from the ASUPS student government fee; three dollars from each student’s fee is set aside for the Green Fund. The fund is administered in multiple cycles. Students have many opportunities to apply. Capital projects may only apply for the same project once within the same academic year (special circumstances may be considered).

The fee should be utilized as a resource for students, either individually or collectively, who have relatively concrete ideas for a project.

Before You Apply

Please send an email message to the Director of Student Interests to discuss any questions you have regarding your project or the application. They can provide additional support, clarify the application, and connect you with campus partners to help make your application and project more successful or help you in finding additional resources.

Project Eligibility

Projects must perform one or more of the following:

  • Provide resources to students and the campus community to promote and implement sustainable acts.
  • Provide educational benefits in the realms of sustainability, environmental, and climate justice.
  • Provide educational benefits to reduce the environmental footprint of the university community.
  • Develop capital projects that are able to sustain themselves at least five (5) years into the future that reduce the environmental impact of the university community.
  • Develop community benefit that connects the Puget Sound campus to other areas of Tacoma while practicing sustainability.

Funding Level

At the current time, up to $10,000 may be requested, though smaller projects are encouraged.

Previously Funded Projects

Some examples of previously funded projects include the Puget Sound garden deer fence, the Wheelock Student Center bike repair station, and reusable beverage cups. Please get in touch with the Director of Student Interests ( for more information or to see if your project idea is feasible.


For information on deadlines, contact the Director of Clubs and Student Interests. Applications should be submitted electronically to