Office of the ASUPS Vice President

The ASUPS Vice President serves as the Chief Operating Officer and is responsible for the internal operations. The Vice President sets policies for the carrying out of ASUPS operations; serves on the President’s Council; serves on the President’s Cabinet; serves as a voting member and the Chair Pro Tempore of the ASUPS Senate; supervises, recommends the use of, and guides the expenditures of all ASUPS funds; supervises all Interoffice Personnel; monitors the entire ASUPS Budget and Sub-budgets and the day-to-day expenditures; presents a monthly published financial statement to the ASUPS Senate; and performs any other such duties as may be delegated by the Constitution, Bylaws, or the ASUPS Senate.


For a complete list of the vice president’s constitutionally granted powers and responsibilities, see Constitution Article II, Section V.


Associated Students of University of Puget Sound

ASUPS Vice President Bella Sanchez '25

Office Hours: Thursdays, 8AM-9:30AM and Fridays, 12AM-3PM

Bella Sanchez (She/Her & They/Them), is a rising Junior. Bella currently works at Diversions Cafe. She has also served on multiple committees regarding future spaces on this campus. Previously, they served as the Freshman Year Senator and most recently, Senator-At-Large. They used the feedback given to them to help create new projects and give feedback to administration. They plan to do whatever they can to ensure this campus feels like a home to every Logger and put on more fun events for UPS.