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Puget Sound is grateful to generations of donors who have created and have increased the university’s Endowment with their generous gifts. Donations to the Endowment are invested in perpetuity to provide resources to support the university's educational mission now and in the future.

The purpose of Puget Sound’s Endowment is to provide continuous financial support for the university’s annual operations, benefiting both current and future students. Over time, Puget Sound’s goal is to grow the Endowment through careful investment and through the addition of new gifts while providing steadily growing support to university programs across generations.

Puget Sound has more than 600 endowed funds, each with specific donor use restrictions or board of trustee designations. Endowment funds are pooled for investment purposes to achieve greater diversification and economies of scale. Gifts are invested into the endowment investment portfolio once the gift agreement is executed and the funds are received.