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As a residential, liberal arts college, the University of Puget Sound affirms the educational benefits inherent in this kind of undergraduate experience. Student learning, in and out of the classroom, and student success are enhanced by the on-campus residential experience. Being a part of a community of scholars is also reinforced by living in campus housing. Because of this, Puget Sound requires all students to live on-campus for their first two academic years with the university and significant numbers of students choose to continue living on campus through graduation to fully reap the benefits of a residential liberal arts experience. All housing agreements are binding upon signature for the full academic year.

In order to register for on-campus housing, incoming students must submit the $500 advanced tuition deposit to the university, complete the acknowledgement of meningitis risk on their myPugetSound to do list, and complete the online housing application.  Your housing application will be available by May 1 through your myPugetSound account, once the university has received their advanced tuition deposit.  Read more about filling out your housing application. 

Admitted students are encouraged to register for housing as early as possible to secure their space on campus.  Per the two year residential requirement, all new freshmen and transfer students that are admitted to the university for the fall semester and submit the advanced tuition deposit by May 1 are guaranteed housing. 

During the month of July, students who are enrolled for the fall semester, have submitted the advanced tuition deposit, and have completed the online housing preference form, will receive confirmation of their on-campus room assignment and the contact information for their roommate(s) in myPugetSound. Students will also receive important details about moving into campus housing in August mailed to their home address.

More About Housing Assignments

Please contact Residence Life with any questions about the housing application process or residential living policies: 253.879.3317 or