Technology Services utilizes an Incident Communication Plan to facilitate timely communication regarding technology maintenance and service interruptions to Puget Sound Critical Services. As part of this plan, Technology Services posts announcements on the Service Announcements Blog and encourages Puget Sound community members to request to be added to the TS Communications distribution list.
To request to be added to the TS Communications distribution list please email the service desk at
Incident Communication Plan Background
Technology Services (TS) needs the ability to communicate to a broad audience on a number of topics with some frequency. Those topics range in scope but are typically centered around impacts to services provided by TS. Because it can be difficult to determine who needs to see which messages within a large and diverse population of technology users, the purpose of this plan is to provide a means of mass communication that is intended for a broad audience but is also filterable, sortable, and easily understood to be most effective while consuming the least amount of the readers’ time.
An email distribution list has been established for TS incident communication – Users may request to receive these communications and once opted in, a user may also unsubscribe. TS recommends that each department have, at minimum, two individuals that are subscribed to the list, though there is no limitation on how many people or groups can subscribe to the list.
How to subscribe to TS Communications:
- Contact the TS Service Desk
- Email:
- Phone: 253.879.8585
- Request to be added to the TS Communications Google Group
Understanding that not all subscribers will need to concern themselves with each announcement that comes from TS Communications, our intent with the TS Communications list is to provide messages that clearly and easily:
Identify the system referenced
Are sortable within an email client
Are searchable within an email client
Are in a standardized format for easy readability
Provide all the critical information necessary
To meet our intentions and to ensure that the reader has a way to glean information they need as quickly as possible, each email sent via TScommunications will use the following standard.
Message Subject. {System} <Issue Description> <Date> <Time range>
The field SYSTEM will reference a technology topic and service from the Critical Services List1.
Message Body.
SYSTEM(S) IMPACTED: <System derived from Critical Services List>
DATE(s) of IMPACT: <Estimated time and dates of impact. If ongoing and unplanned, an estimated time to resolution.>
REASON FOR MAINTENANCE: <Estimated time and dates of impact. If ongoing and unplanned, an estimated time to resolution.>
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: <A brief description of the reason for the impact. If unplanned, a synopsis of the known or suspected cause. Also, any additional information that is helpful to understand the impact, next steps, etc.>
< Standard information about the TS communication process including instructions on how to obtain further information including a link to the most recent copies of this communications plan and the critical services list.>
Exceptions and Modifications
TS will use this Google Group for all outages when possible. Exceptions to this would be when email is non-functional or when a catastrophic failure of networking and services on campus precludes the ability to send an email. In events such as this, TS will work with the Office of Communications to update the university’s web presence and social media channels based on availability.
As this plan is executed and we receive feedback on how we can make our incident communications more effective or useful, TS will update and provide current versions of our Incident Communication Plan and Critical Services List.
1 The Critical Services List is maintained by Technology Services and can be updated at any time. Please contact the Chief Information Officer to obtain the most recent list.